Whatever you do, don't say his na
Age 32, Male
Bluefin Sushi
Kyouou High
The Halberd
Joined on 11/26/09
Hey man, haven't seen you around in a while. Oh, and just to be a douche and use your words against you, his na
Are you fucking kidding me? It's an internet meme, if you say CandleJack, he'll kidnap you in mid-sente
candlejack candlejack candlejack candle....what the hell?
*faint booms*
Wait... so you mean theres a kidnapper that will take you mid sentence if you say his name? Please, thats like if you say bloody mary 3 times in front of a mirror with the ligh- OHSHIT
Surprisingly, he doesn't do anything. After a few hours, he'll let you go. No rape, no killing, no anything. But it does get annoying after a while. Hey, you seen Happy Tree Friends?
What the hell? Candlejack??? I'd like to see him-*punches candlejerk through several fifteen-foot concrete walls*-try to kidnap me...AFTER THAT!
What the hell, he's getting up after that? EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *candle-ass is lazurd*
This guy's annoying...LEO!!!
*candledork iz lazurd again*
Dude, he should be dead by now! I just decapitated him! *farts spontaneously*............he just dropped dead.....WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE DIE BEFORE!?!?!?
<a href="http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/12102007/b/8/1/1/b81148e0299940_full.gif">http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spir e2/12102007/b/8/1/1/b81148e0299940_fu ll.gif</a>
Who hasnt seen happy tree friends?
Who's your favorite? Mine is Flippy! >:[l]
Im afraid I don't have a favorite... they're all meniacle little fucks.
hey man!
CandleJa- Woah Woah Woah.I'm not saying i-
i have a poll on my latest news post
You know what I've noticed?That in Brawl Meta Knight has the most people who cheer for him and Luigi has the least.
Meta Knight also holds the Number 1 spot in the tier list, and has held it for quite some time. AND he's the only one in the 'S' group! :D
whos na? do you mean.......CANDLEJACK!!?